The Pavilion at the Sou'wester all set up for the first Art Party on July 5, 2014.
Here the party was just getting started with these really cool people from Portland who are staying in the "Elk Tent", glamping at the Sou'wester.
WOW! Everyone made so many cool postcards and they all have a story of who they were made are a few of them.
Fun on July 9th 2014 at the Art Party "Easy-Peasy Printmaking on Cards"!
The Art Party mascot definitely approves of the fun spud carving and potato printing!
Art Party "Clementine-Candles & Wish-Raft Water Launch" on July 12th 2014
Please come to the next Art Party at the Sou'wester, "Easy-Peasy Printmaking on Cards" on Wednesday July 16th 2014!
Lots of folks came in and out of our Wednesday July 16th 2014 Art Party "Easy-Peasy Printmaking on Cards"!
Saturday July 19th 2014 Art Party: "An Excuse to Finger Paint: Making Paste Paint Papers"
Wednesday July 23, 2014 Art Party "Zines: The Art of the Tiny Book"
Swing by the Sou'wester Lodge and buy a zine from the old-time vending machine for only 50 cents!
A few of our new zines are in the vending machine at the Sou'wester!
Saturday July 26, 2014 Art Party "Teeny Tiny Papier Mache Poem Boats & Water Launch"
Wednesday July 30, 2014 Art Party "Postcards that Pop: Let's Make Postcards!"
Thank you to all! What fun!